List of authors K



Cycle TRIO GRANDE, #1 ADIOS PALOMITA at DELCOURT dedicated in Illzach in 09/11/1991.

Cycle WAYNE REDLAKE, #1 500 FUSILS at DELCOURT dedicated in Angoulême in 28/01/1995.


Cycle LE SERMENT DE L'AMBRE, #1 L'AMOJAR at DELCOURT dedicated in Angoulême in 27/01/1996.


Album CHIENS DE FUSIL at VENTS D'OUEST dedicated in Cousance in 07/12/1996.
Following a discussion he drew me this small BONUS.

Album SOLEIL COU COUPE at AIRE LIBRE dedicated in Illzach in 11/11/1995.


It is the draftsman that I a lot appreciate especially since I discovered the world of the BD due to him. I met him that only once in Grenoble (where he had had mechanical problems with the car). There is 2 very nice site on him and Yoko Tsuno : and

Cycle YOKO TSUNO, #17 LE MATIN DU MONDE at DUPUIS dedicated in Grenoble in 23/09/1989.
It is an inscription that I a lot appreciate, because it is rare.


Cycle AMIANTE, #1 LA CITE PERDUE DE KROSHMARGH at SOLEIL dedicated in Illzach in 13/11/1993.

Cycle AMIANTE, #2 L'ILE DU GEANT TRISTE at SOLEIL dedicated in Angoulême in 28/01/1995.

Cycle AMIANTE, #3 LE LABYRINTHE DE LA LUNE PALE at SOLEIL dedicated in Illzach in 11/11/1995.


Cycle LA FUGITIVE, #1 REQUIEM at CASTERMAN dedicated in (inconnu) in 16/09/2023.
This dedication is not for me. I bought this album at a comic book dealer.


Cycle LE SERMENT DE L'AMBRE, #2 PORTENDICK at DELCOURT dedicated in Audincourt in 11/10/1997.


Cycle LE DERNIER LOUP D'OZ, LA RUMEUR DES EAUX at DELCOURT dedicated in Belfort in 18/02/1995.
This inscription it is made in the FNAC shop of BELFORT after the ancient shop burned. I had the privilege to eat with the author, the BD's responsible of the FNAC, the responsible for Mission AUDINCOURT'S BD and some friends. In fact, he was there to receive the price which he had won at the festival of AUDINCOURT'S BD.


Cycle CADRES NOIRS, #2 ÉPISODE 2/3 : PENDANT at RUE DE SÈVRES dedicated in Caudéran in 30/11/2024.

Cycle CADRES NOIRS, #3 ÉPISODE 3/3 : APRÈS at RUE DE SÈVRES dedicated in Caudéran in 30/11/2024.


Album HISTOIRES D'ELLES at TABOU dedicated in Gradignan in 05/11/2023.


Cycle LA QUETE DE L'OISEAU DU TEMPS, #4 L'OEUF DES TENEBRES at DARGAUD dedicated in Cousance in 09/12/1995.

Cycle PETER PAN, #3 TEMPETE at VENTS D'OUEST dedicated in Cousance in 09/12/1995.


Cycle GILDWIN, #1 LES LÉGENDES OCÉANES at Édition JOS dedicated in Barsac in 24/10/2015.

Cycle PERCEVAN, HS3 LES ARCANES IMAGINAIRES at PHLUG ÉDITIONS dedicated in Angoulême in 31/01/2025.

Cycle PERCEVAN, HS1 LES FOUDRES DE BALKIS at DONOVAN COMICS dedicated in Gradignan in 04/11/2023.

Cycle PERCEVAN, #10 LE MAITRE DES ETOILES at DARGAUD dedicated in Audincourt in 09/10/1999.
I asked him to draw SAADIA, but he thought of the other thing. Then he finished the inscription and redid a 2-nd in the end of the album. Very good.

Cycle PERCEVAN, #10 LE MAITRE DES ETOILES at DARGAUD dedicated in Audincourt in 09/10/1999.

Cycle PERCEVAN, #14 LES MARCHES D'ELIANDYSSE at DARGAUD dedicated in Barsac in 24/10/2015.

Cycle PERCEVAN, #15 LE HUITIÈME ROYAUME at DARGAUD dedicated in Barsac in 24/10/2015.

Cycle PERCEVAN, #17 TL LA COURONNE DU CRÉPUSCULE at PHLUG ÉDITIONS dedicated in Gradignan in 04/11/2023.

Cycle PERCEVAN, #7 LES SEIGNEURS DE L'ENFER at DARGAUD dedicated in Cousance in 10/12/1994.

Cycle PERCEVAN, #9 L'ARCANTANE NOIRE at DARGAUD dedicated in Illzach in 11/11/2000.


List of authors M