Grand Master of the 60s for most of his comic strips. Album COLIN-MAILLARD at CASTERMAN dedicated in Audincourt in 23/10/1993.
Album FATALE at AIRE LIBRE dedicated in Barsac in 24/10/2015.
Cycle LA PRINCESSE DU SANG, #1 PREMIÈRE PARTIE at AIR LIBRE / DUPUIS dedicated in Barsac in 24/10/2015.
Cycle LA PRINCESSE DU SANG, #2 SECONDE PARTIE at AIR LIBRE / DUPUIS dedicated in Barsac in 06/10/2018.
Cycle ENVIE DE CHIEN, #2 DEUX MOUCHES BLANCHES at CASTERMAN dedicated in Angoulême in 28/01/1995.
Cycle VAURIENS, #1 POP BRAS D'ARGILE at DELCOURT dedicated in Audincourt in 14/10/1995.
This year there, with friends we worked on a MANGA exhibition for the festival of the comic strips in Audincourt, and by this dedication CAGNIAT wanted to prove that he also could draw in the Japanese way.Cycle VAURIENS, #2 DAME BRECHE-DENT at DELCOURT dedicated in Belfort in 22/03/1997.
Cycle LE VOYAGE EXTRAORDINAIRE, #4 LES ÎLES MYSTÉRIEUSES at VENTS D'OUEST dedicated in Mérignac in 15/07/2016.
Cycle LEO LODEN, #1 TERMINUS CANEBIERE at SOLEIL dedicated in Audincourt in 10/10/1992.
Cycle LEO LODEN, #3 ADIEU MA JOLIETTE at SOLEIL dedicated in Audincourt in 23/10/1993.
A little BONUS, the business card of Leo Loden (sealed with wax).
It was frenzy permanently when they were on a festival of comic strip, he and its pals' band of publisher STAKHANO. This publisher does not exist any more, but CARTIER is always present in the world of the comic strip. Album ANAGRAPHIS at STAKHANO dedicated in Illzach in 09/11/1996.
Album CA$TE MAGNETIQUE at LES HUMANOÏDES ASSOCIÉS dedicated in Illzach in 13/11/1993.
Album DRYLANDER at SOLEIL dedicated in Angoulême in 29/01/2000.
Album EPICES AND LOVE at ZENDA dedicated in Illzach in 07/11/1992.
For good and loyal services, CARTIER is kind enough to make me a small drawing BONUS on free sheet, nice isn't it!Cycle FLIP, FLIP IN PARADISE at RACKHAM dedicated in Illzach in 10/11/1990.
Cycle FLIP, L'AMI DES VOISINS at A.LI.EN dedicated in Illzach in 11/11/1995.
Cycle FLIP, MEKONG KING at STAKHANO dedicated in Illzach in 13/11/1993.
Cycle FLIP, SING SING SONG at STAKHANO dedicated in Illzach in 12/11/1994.
Album LE PIGEON MALTAIS at ZENDA dedicated in Illzach in 09/11/1991.
Very good contact and nice Cycle TAO BANG, #2 L'ILE AUX SIRENES at DELCOURT dedicated in Bassens in 27/03/2010.
5 years after its release, it's a bit long but it's good.
Album NYMPHÉA at BOOK'AIN BD dedicated in Barsac in 01/10/2011.
Cycle RÉCITS D'UN SIÈCLE OUBLIÉ, #1 AB OCULIS at LE TÉMÉRAIRE dedicated in Barsac in 01/10/2011.
Cycle TERRE A CHAOS, #2 RESSAC at VENTS D'OUEST dedicated in Barsac in 01/10/2016.
Charming native of Strasbourg. Cycle LUCIE, #1 LE TRAIN FANTÔME at CASTERMAN dedicated in Angoulême in 26/01/2003.
One of the bosses of the comic strip of science fiction. It is the very nice person with whom everyone can speak about everything and about anything. Often badly imitated and especially not equalled. Album LAILAH at LES HUMANOÏDES ASSOCIÉS dedicated in Illzach in 11/11/1995.
Cycle L'AGE D'OMBRE, LES REMPARTS DE LA NUIT at DARGAUD dedicated in Audincourt in 12/10/1991.
Cycle LE MONDE D'ARKADI, #1 LES YEUX D'OR-FE at LES HUMANOÏDES ASSOCIÉS dedicated in Illzach in 09/11/1991.
Cycle LE MONDE D'ARKADI, #2 LE GRAND EXTERIEUR at LES HUMANOÏDES ASSOCIÉS dedicated in Audincourt in 13/10/1990.
Cycle LE RESEAU BOMBYCE, #1 PAPILLONS DE NUIT at LES HUMANOÏDES ASSOCIÉS dedicated in Angoulême in 29/01/2000.
Cycle ROGON LE LEU, #1 LE CHATEAU-SORTILEGE at DELCOURT dedicated in Angoulême in 27/01/1996.
Album GIRLS N GUNS at AUTO ÉDITION dedicated in Achat participatif ULULE in 12/06/2020.
Here is an author who goes out of the common with his stories of tomatoes and pumpkins. Very nice and always word to laugh. Cycle AIR VAMPIRE, #1 Y-A-T'IL UN NEGOCIANT DE TOMATE POUR SAUVER L'AVION ? at TRISKEL dedicated in Illzach in 16/11/1997.
Cycle CHARLES LE CHAT NOIR, #1 EN ROUTE ! at TRISKEL dedicated in Angoulême in 24/01/1998.
Album ZELIE at DELCOURT dedicated in Angoulême in 27/01/2001.
Cycle VEGVISIR, #1 LE CLAN DE SIF at DELCOURT dedicated in Gradignan in 04/11/2023.
Album DUGAN at KAMITI dedicated in Achat participatif ULULE in 26/06/2023.
The look does not correspond to the idea that one makes of him, but contact becomes established quickly and dedications are nice. Cycle MELUSINE, #4 HISTOIRE A LIRE AU COIN DU FEU at DUPUIS dedicated in Cousance in 12/12/1997.
Album RADICAL CAFE at MAGIC STRIP dedicated in Cousance in 12/12/1997.
Album RADICAL CAFE at MAGIC STRIP dedicated in Bruxelles in 15/01/1984.
Version with blue paper back (not marketed, reserved for the press). This dedication is not for me. I bought this album at a comic book dealer.
Cycle LE CHANT DES STRYGES, #14 ENLEVEMENTS at DELCOURT dedicated in Clairac in 24/11/2012.
Here, it is the scriptwriter who made me a small drawing.
What did he become ? Album DAN STAR CONTRE L'UNIVERS at SORG dedicated in Audincourt in 10/10/1992.
For this album, CORRIGER had made me an DEDICATION to Angoulême in 1989 on free sheet.Cycle MEMOIRE VIERGE, #1 LE CHANT DES AUTRES at DELCOURT dedicated in Audincourt in 10/10/1992.
Following a discussion he drew me this small BONUS. The album did not go well and the publisher Delcourt did not consider it's a good thing to continue the serie. I found him at the Angoulème comic strip exhibition the year after, its trip had been paid by a Belgian body and since no more news.
The man who draw with ROTRING © and fantastic watercolours. It was féérique to see him drawing, and furthermore if you brought your watercolours and a paintbrush, it realized you a magnificent dedication. He died some years ago and I am there very sad. Album ELIE at CASTERMAN dedicated in Audincourt in 12/10/1996.
Portfolio LA TOUR DE BABEL DES CROQUEURS DE SABLE at VENTS D'OUEST dedicated in Audincourt in 14/10/1995.
Portfolio LA TOUR DE BABEL DES CROQUEURS DE SABLE at VENTS D'OUEST dedicated in Audincourt in 14/10/1995.
A second inscription on this portfolio.Album SIXTY BLOCS at NEO dedicated in Audincourt in 12/10/1996.
It is MISSION BD d'AUDINCOURT which is at the origin of this collection.Cycle AMNESIA, #1 ORPHEE at LE TÉMÉRAIRE dedicated in Audincourt in 14/10/2000.
Cycle ARMALITE 16, #3 DORIANNE at LES HUMANOÏDES ASSOCIÉS dedicated in Audincourt in 23/10/1993.
Cycle ARMALITE 16, #4 LES INFERNETS at LES HUMANOÏDES ASSOCIÉS dedicated in Audincourt in 23/10/1993.
Cycle FAUST, #1 LE REMORDS DE DIEU at VENTS D'OUEST dedicated in Audincourt in 14/10/1995.
Cycle FAUST D'HEIDELBERG, L'ETUDIANT at CASTERMAN dedicated in Angoulême in 24/01/1998.
Cycle TROUBADOUR, #1 PREMIER BRIN . MA at VENTS D'OUEST dedicated in Audincourt in 10/10/1992.
Cycle TROUBADOUR, #2 SECOND BRIN . GENIEVRE at VENTS D'OUEST dedicated in Audincourt in 10/10/1992.
Cycle TROUBADOUR, #3 TROISIEME BRIN . ALIGE at VENTS D'OUEST dedicated in Audincourt in 15/10/1994.
Cycle ANYA, #1 L'OISEAU BLEU - SKETCHBOOK at LES ÉDITIONS DE LA GOUTTIÈRE dedicated in Gradignan in 04/11/2023.
Cycle ANYA, #2 L'ANTRE DE LA SORCIÈRE - SKETCHBOOK at LES ÉDITIONS DE LA GOUTTIÈRE dedicated in Angoulême in 31/01/2025.
Cycle GUNBLAST GIRLS, #1 DANS TA FACE, MINABLE ! at LE LOMBARD dedicated in Gradignan in 27/10/2018.
Cycle KOOKABURRA, #1 PLANETE DAKOI at SOLEIL dedicated in Angoulême in 25/01/1997.
Album TRAVELS BY CRISSE at TRINQUETTE PUBLISHING dedicated in Gradignan in 27/10/2018.
To see also RIFF REB'S. Album LES UNIVERS DE CROMWELL at ALBIN MICHEL dedicated in Angoulême in 24/01/2004.
Cycle ANITA BOMBA, #3 TOFU VAPEUR, TRAUMA CRÂNIEN at AKILEOS dedicated in Angoulême in 24/01/2019.
Cycle LES AVENTURES DE SERGEI WLADI, #1 LE BAL DE LA SUEUR at GLÉNAT dedicated in Bourg en Bresse in 19/09/1987.
It is one of my first dedications in a bookshop which does not exist any more for a very long time.Cycle MINETTOS DESPERADOS, #1 MINETTOS DESPERADOS at GLÉNAT dedicated in Illzach in 07/11/1992.